Barry Wittenstein has always been involved with writing, from contributing to his high school and college newspapers, to writing and performing poetry on stage in San Francisco, songwriting, sports writing, and now picture books.
He has worked at CBS Records, CBS News, and was a web editor and writer for Major League Baseball. He is now an elementary-school substitute teacher and children's author.
Barry particularly likes nonfiction, and profiling mostly unknown people and events whose stories have never been told in children’s literature. He is the author of Waiting for Pumpsie and The Boo-Boos That Changed the World. He lives in New York, New York.
Visit Barry online at his website or find him on Tumblr.
Listen to Barry talk about The Boo-Boos That Changed the World on Charlesbridge Unplugged..
Barry on KidLit TV's Creator Corner
Books by Barry Wittenstein